クリスマスパーティー 2017年12月15日
名誉会長米国総領事Karen Kelley氏もご出席くださり、長年のJAWKインターナショナルの活動に対しての謝意をいただきました。
Christmas Party December 15, 2017
Cafe Freundlieb adorned for the festive season, was the venue for our gathering of over 70 people. Our honorary President, U.S.Consulate General Osaka, Karen Kelley attended, and expressed praise to the many years of JAWK International’s social activities.
All the way from Okayama, Mr. John Thomas Wells, spoke of Bizen pottery and performed jazz guitar. We shared a lovely buffet dinner, played BINGO and joined voices singing Christmas songs. The beautiful illuminations saw us off, after a lovely evening, warm and merry!

秋の昼食会 2017年9月22日
Autumn Luncheon September 22, 2017
The General Meeting for members only was held at the Kobe Portopia Hotel. After introduction of the Board and reports from the various committees, we enjoyed a beautifully presented Shokado lunch. Captain Nakamura of the Hyogo Police Force gave a speech on the increasing fraud that threatens innocent citizens, “You May Be Next”. The audience showed strong interest and were insured that when in doubt, they should feel free to consult the Police.
The meeting ended on a high note, with the “almost traditional” mini-raffle, with exciting prizes.

チャリティ・ラッフル&ビンゴ 2017年5月26日
Charity Raffle & BINGO May 26, 2017
JAWK International held their annual Raffle & BINGO at the Kobe Portopia Hotel on May 26, 2017. Being the 40th Anniversary Event, over 270 members and guests gathered to celebrate and enjoy. The Welfare Committee reported that they would be donating ¥2,910,000 this year, adding to the ¥129,000,000 that the organization has donated over the last 40 years. After a unique International Bento Lunch, was the exciting BINGO games, and the room was filled with happy people winning the abundant prizes! The raffle draws ensued. Anticipation and excitement filled the air as people went home with the likes of Delta Airlines return tickets to Hawaii, hotel vouchers, travel coupons, and jewelry. About ¥2,000,000 proceeds that will finance our welfare activities is due to the innumerous contributors and attendants that have supported our organization over the years.

カルチャーイベント スーパー二胡リサイタル 2017年3月24日
2017年3月24日 神戸ポートピアホテルにおいて世界的二胡奏者、許可(シュイ・クゥ)氏によるスーパー二胡リサイタルが開催されました。現在東京在住の許可氏は流ちょうな日本語で二胡の歴史やその音楽についてユーモアを交えてお話しくださり、会場の皆も理解を深めたうえで許可氏の演奏を聴くという、なんとも贅沢なひと時を過ごしました。また伴奏の林佳勲(リン・ジャシュン)氏によるピアノソロ、ショパンの調べに心を洗われ、アンコールでは許可氏が一番お好きな日本の曲として「五木の子守歌」をアカペラで演奏され、その深い音色は出席者の心にしみわたり、大きな感動をもたらしました。リサイタルの後は会場を移してポートピアホテル心づくしのランチを頂き、和やかに会を終えました。
Cultural Event Super Erhu Recital March 24, 2017
It was March 24, 2017 that we welcomed world renown Erhu player, Xu Ke to perform at the Kobe Portopia Hotel. Mr. Xu Ke not only entertained with his instrumental skills, but with his humorous commentary on the art and history of the Erhu, in perfect Japanese. Accompanist Lin Jiaxun, charmed the audience with his solo performance of Chopin. An unexpected surprise was the Erhu rendition of “Itsuki Lullaby”, presented as the artist’s favorite Japanese song. The hotel served an incredible lunch in an adjacent room, following the recital.


9月例会: 年度始めの会員報告会
September: General Meeting for members only

2007 Jazz Concert with Jiro Yoshida
(30th Anniversary)

アートショー: 各界のアーティストによる展示会
Art Show: Exhibition of Artists of Various Fields

Cultural Exchange:
Music, Performing Arts of both East & West

Raffle & Bingo:
All proceeds go to scholarships & charities

Christmas Charity Concert
The members also, literally "pitch in", work together to raise funds at the annual Bring & Buy.