Bring & Buy バザー 2016年11月25日
ポートピアホテルにおいてJAWKインターナショナル恒例のBring & Buyバザーを開催致しました。会員から寄せられた多くの寄贈品、手製のお菓子、手作りの手芸品、協賛者からの様々な商品がいっぱいに並べられゲストと会員はお買い物を楽しみました。今年は趣向を変え、ランチは販売しているお弁当やサンドウィッチ、お菓子などをお買い物の間に自由に楽しんで頂く形式と致しました。100万円を超える収益は奨学金と福祉活動への寄付に使わせて頂きます。多くの方々のご協力に感謝いたします。
Bring & Buy Bazzar Friday, November 25 2016
The annual Bring & Buy was held at the Kobe Portopia Hotel. Members and guests enjoyed shopping from、donated items, hand-baked goods, and vendor shops. Our new endeavor was to have members lunch on lunch boxes, sandwiches and baked items on sale. The ¥1,150,000 profits will be applied to our welfare donations and scholarships. Many thanks to the participation and contributions of members and friends!

秋の昼食会 2016年9月23日 Autumn Luncheon September 23, 2016
ポートピアホテルにおいて、JAWK インターナショナル40年目の年度最初のプログラム として会員だけの秋の昼食会が催されました。1977年に関西日米婦人会として発足し、 2012年に JAWK インターナショナルと改名した当会は、創立以来文化交流を通じて国際間の親交を重ね、チャリティー活動として奨学金と福祉支援の合計額は1億2千6百万円 余りとなりました。
The 40th year of JAWK International started with the General Meeting/Autumn Luncheon at the Kobe Portopia Hotel. Founded as the Japan America Women of Kansai in 1977, and changing our name to JAWK International in 2012, we have continued charity activities (totaling over ¥126,000,000 ) as we promote international friendship and understanding.
今年度の役員紹介の後、古くからの会員を含め6名の方に思い出話をして頂きました。11人で発足した当会の設立当時の様子や、翌年には200名の方を迎えて第1回 Raffle & BINGO を 成功させたこと。当時の外国人会員から肩肘張らずに自分の出来る事を楽しんでする 「charity」の精神を学んだこと。阪神淡路大震災の時には東京の CWAJ の大きなご協力を 得たこと。奨学生や福祉支援先の選定に当会が真剣に取り組んでいること。また多くの行事 を通して日本や外国の文化を学ぶことが出来楽しかったこと等が語られました。そして元副会長のエイミー・ウェッソンさんからの JAWK の思い出についてのメッセージが読み上げられ、40年の会員歴の会員2人に花束が贈呈されました。
After introducing this year's Board, we invited 6 members, old and new, to speak on JAWK. We learned that the club started with a mere 11 members, but that they were able to hold their first Raffle & BINGO with 200 people the next year! Japanese women learned that the spirit of "charity" could be approached as a part of everyday life from their American counterparts. Selecting scholarship students and welfare institutions was always a serious matter. Our bond with CWAJ of Tokyo is since the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake when they were looking for a reliable route for their donations. Of course, members and guests enjoyed the various events and learned from cultural exchange programs. A message from former Vice President Amy Wesson was read out and the two charter members were recognized with a bouquet presentation.
Attendees were impressed by the dedication and commitment of our members spanning 40 years. We all confirmed our original motivation; to contribute to charities in the Kansai district, and to further understanding and friendship between Japanese/American, as well as international women.
続いてポートピアホテル心尽くしのブッフェランチが用意され、会員は美味しいメニューの 数々に舌鼓を打ちながら談笑しました。会の最後にはミニラッフルも行われ、賞品を手に入れた方には祝福の拍手が送られました。次回11月25日の Bring & Buy を成功させるべく協力を呼び掛けて、和やかな秋の昼食会を終えました。
Ensuing was a fabulous buffet lunch, great company, and lots of laughter! Winning and applauding those who won, the mini raffle was the perfect closer for a wonderful afternoon. The Vice Presidents asked members to help make the November 25, Bring & Buy a success.

チャリティ・ラッフル&ビンゴ 2016年5月13日(金)
Over 210 members and guests gathered for the grandest event of JAWK International on May 13. Charity Raffle & BINGO started with the 2016 Welfare Report and speeches from two scholarship students, who attended and helped backstage. After the delightful lunch presented by the Kobe Portopia Hotel, was the BINGO game where exhilaration was abound, every time a winner shouted BINGO! Excitement was max as the top twenty of the 350 raffle prizes were announced, such as return tickets to Honolulu, hotel stays, and jewelry.
We are ever grateful to the many contributors who provide our prizes and to the members and guests who joined us to make nearly 1800 thousand yen for our charity funds.

カルチャーイベント 講演会「白洲家の流儀」 2016年3月25日
It was March 23 that we welcomed Shinya Shirasu, first grandchild of Jiro and Masako, for his lecture on "The Shirasu Family Traditions". His involvement with antique artifacts and stance were influenced by his grandparents who believed that "Art only lives through actual use". Shinya's ambition is to bring awareness to the spirit of artifacts, impractical yet beautiful, to the younger generation and to us that live in this age of consumption. Applauded was the old yet beloved overcoat he inherited from his grandfather. He mingled with members and guests during lunch and autographed the art magazines he publishes.