Bring & Buy バザー 2014年11月28日
今年も神戸ポートピアホテルで恒例のBring & Buyバザーを開催いたしました。当日は、11月末とは思われない暖かな日で、メンバー・ゲスト合わせて120名の方々に手作り手芸やお菓子、寄贈品、協賛企業からの商品等のお買い物を楽しんで頂きました。今回の収益約100万円は、JAWKが支援している福祉活動や奨学生のために使わせて頂く予定です。今後もご支援よろしくお願い致します。
Bring & Buy Bazzar Friday, November 28 2014
Our annual Bring & Buy Bazar was held on a sunny day in late November at the Kobe Portopia Hotel. We had more than 120 members and guests who enjoyed shopping handmade crafts, homemade sweets, donated items and goods from our supporters. We made more than one million yen and all will go to charity and scholarship. Thank you for your cooperation.

秋の昼食会 神戸ポートピアホテル 2014年9月26日(金)
JAWK インターナショナル2014年度が始まり、総会と"秋の昼食会"が開催されました。60名強の会員が集い、京都の花街を経営学という視点から考察された、京都女子大学の西尾久美子教授の講演に興味深く耳を傾けました。西尾氏は2002年のJAWK奨学生の一人でもあり、感慨もひとしおでした。新役員紹介と報告、皆勤会員の発表の後は、美味しいビュッフェランチに舌鼓を打ちました。ミニ・ラッフル抽選で盛り上がり、年度に一度の会員のみの例会は有意義に盛会の裡に終えました。
Fall Luncheon September 26th, at the Kobe Portopia Hotel
The 2014 year of JAWK International started with over 60 members gathering for the General Meeting and Fall Luncheon.
We were both proud and impressed to hear the lecture from a former Scholarship recipient, Kumiko Nishio, who is currently a Professor of Kyoto Women's University, on the topic of the intricate Hanamachi culture, from the view point of management. The always delicious buffet lunch ensued. After introducing the new Board of Directors and hearing their reports, a mini-raffle enlivened the Rainbow Room with laughter and excitement as attendees won great prizes.
A favorite meeting for many members, it was worthwhile afternoon, and we were able to seriously review our activities as we renewed our friendships and made new acquaintances.

チャリティ・ラッフル&ビンゴ 2014年5月30日(金)
また今年は初めてJAWK Art Award(芸術賞)を設けました。4人のカネィディアン・アカデミー高校生が出席し、名誉会長より賞を授与されました。加えて、今年度JAWK奨学金の受給が決定した日本人女子大学生3名のうち、2名が出席してスピーチを行いました。
Charity Raffle & Bingo May 30, 2014
We had over 250 participants at this year's Charity Raffle & Bingo at the Kobe Portopia Hotel and were able to raise almost ¥2,000,000 for our welfare fund. Many lucky winners received wonderful prizes during the Bingo game, then the thrilling raffle followed. The marvelous prizes included airline tickets from Delta Airlines and Turkish Airlines, luxurious hotel stays at first class hotels in Kansai, and exclusive designer goods.
Our Honorary President Emerson Kanegusuke and his husband US Consul General Patrick Linehan helped JAWK with the drawing for the last time before leaving for a new posting in the US.
For the first time we had four JAWK Art Award winners from Canadian Academy present and they talked about their work. Additionally two of the three Japanese university students who received JAWK scholarships introduced themselves to JAWK.
We thank all the members, guests, their friends and more than 100 donors for their amazing support of our Raffle & Bingo event.

琉球舞踊とお話 2014年3月28日(金) 神戸ポートピアホテル
Ryukyu Dance and Talk March 28, 2014 at the Kobe Portopia Hotel
Our 2014 Culture Event's featured guest was Mr. Shigeo Miyagi a young and spirited Ryukyu Dancer. He is the successor to Kumi Odori of Ryukyu Dance, which is now designated as an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. He talked about classical Okinawa Dance which originated in and had been nurtured by the Ryukyu Royal Court. He danced Kumi Odori in a gorgeous Okinawan Kimono of Bingata Dye. The traditional music of Okinawa provided a subdued but inspirational mood of Ryukyu and took as back to the bygone days of the Okinawa Court.
Another guest who spoke was the mother of a child who is suffering from FOP (Fibro dysplasia Ossificans Progressiva) - a rare and difficult disease of abnormal bone formation. JAWK Welfare provides funds to support a small part of their needs. Finally a letter from one of the scholarship students of last year was also read.
We hope that our presentations help promote our welfare activities for the guests as well as for JAWK members.

ニューイヤーチャリティコンサート 2014年1月24日(金)
New Year's Charity Concert January 24, 2014
Our first event of the year, a lovely concert by a Soprano singer Kumiko Takano, was held at Cafe Freundlieb at Kano-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe City. After a wonderful buffet lunch with dessert, the concert started in the historical building which used to be a church. The fantastic soprano voice combined with the beautiful piano playing by Chizu Hamano, echoed and filled the main hall of the building. Many of the songs chosen by Ms. Takano were well-known ones, which livened up all the members and guests. It was a happy and heart-warming day! All the profits are to be used for JAWK's fund for welfare activities.