Bring & Buy バザー 2013年11月22日
神戸ポートピアホテルに於いて恒例のBring & Buyバザーを今年も開催いたしました。
Bring & Buy Bazar Friday, November 22nd
Our annual Bring & Buy Bazar was held at the Kobe Portopia Hotel. We had more than 150 members and guests including those from Nagoya Ladies Club. After enjoying shopping with homemade sweets, handmade accessories, donated items, and goods from our supporters, exciting mini raffles followed. We made more than one million yen and all will go to charity. Thank you for your co-operation.

秋の昼食会 神戸ポートピアホテル 2013年9月27日
JAWK インターナショナル2014年度が始まり、"秋の昼食会"が開催されました。70名弱の会員が集い、新役員紹介に続き各役員からの提案、会員への要請を発表し、新年度に向けての意見交換をしました。また浪曲師春野恵子氏をお招きし浪曲についての講演後、英語を交えた演目「番町皿屋敷~お菊と播磨~」を楽しみました。美味しいブッフェランチの後はミニ・ラッフル抽選で盛り上がり、年度に一度の会員のみの例会は有意義に盛会の裡に終えました。
Fall Luncheon September 27th, at the Kobe Portopia Hotel
The new year 2014 for JAWK International has started. About 70 members gathered for "Fall Luncheon".
The new Board of Directors was introduced first, followed by suggestions and requests to the members. Then we exchanged opinions for this year.
We invited Ms. Keiko Haruno, Rokyoku performer, who performed "Kiku & Harima in BANCHO SARAYASHIKI" both in English and Japanese after giving a small lecture on rokyoku. The annual members' only meeting was very successful due to her fascinating performance, delicious buffet lunch, and mini raffles.

JAWKインターナショナル チャリティ・ラッフル&ビンゴの会 2013年5月24日
JAWK International Raffle & BINGO
Our ever popular Charity Raffle & BINGO was held at the Kobe Portopia Hotel on May 24, 2013. Again our prize list was abundant with the generous contributions from 97 firms, restaurants, businesses and individuals, such as; air tickets from Delta Airlines and Turkish Airlines, luxurious stays at the Kobe Portopia Hotel and other exclusive hotels in the Kansai area. After lunch, our 240 attendees had the chance to listen to a moving report from "Flying Wheelchairs", one of our recipients. Joining us for the thrilling BINGO games and Raffle draw were our Honorary President Mr. Emerson Kanegusuke and his partner, the U.S. Consul General Mr. Patrick Linehan. The ¥2,000,000 proceeds from this event will be used for scholarships to collegiate women, donations to charity establishments and disaster relief.

ストロー・フルート演奏会 神戸ポートピアホテルにて 2013年3月22日
3月22日、市販の様々なストローを駆使してユニークなフルートを創作し演奏してくださる神谷徹氏をお招きしてArt & Culture Eventが開催されました。何十種類ものストロ-フルートをご持参くださり、解説を交えて演奏してくださいましたが発想のユニークさに驚くばかりです。"シャボン玉"の曲では演奏の途中でフルートからシャボン玉がふわりふわり、"ぞうさん"ではゾウの鼻のように長い長いストローが曲に合わせてくねくねと。輪唱曲の"キラキラ星"や"蛙の歌"では、一つのフルートで輪唱を実現。聴衆を楽しませつつご自身も楽しんでらっしゃる様子が素晴らしく、音色もお人柄の通り明るくやさしく、皆が童心にかえり笑顔の絶えないひと時となりました。またミニラッフルも行われ会場は盛り上がりました。
Straw Flute Performance at the Kobe Portopia Hotel
On March 22, we invited Mr. Toru Kamiya to our Art and Culture Event and he came with a variety of unique musical instruments which he has been putting together for over thirty years. He uses ordinary commercial straws as woodwind instruments, and he brought many kinds of straw flutes, a different one for each song. The music was most enjoyable as the straws also moved and danced as he played them. He has designed the straws in such a way that they not only play melodies, but also polyphony and even canons!! We could tell that he truly enjoys designing new instruments and songs with inexpensive straws and the concert was full of smiles and laughter. A mini-raffle drawing followed the concert. The afternoon turned out to be heartwarming and fun for all who attended.

終始 皆様の笑い声の絶えないホールでした。
New Year Event " Eigo de Rakugo"
For the first time, we held an evening meeting on January 25, Friday. Despite the icy cold, over 100 members and guests gathered for a fun evening at our old haunt, The Kobe Club. Internationally acclaimed Katsura Kaishi presented classic Rakugo in a delightful combination of English and Japanese. The food and the company were delightful.
Following greetings from our Honorary President, Emerson Kanegusuke, U.S. Consul General, Mr. Patrick Linehan, gave a witty toast, so appropriate for the occasion and the hall was filled with laughter throughout the night!