JAWKインターナショナルの支援活動資金は、個人・団体・企業からのご寄附と毎年行われるチャリティー例会、Bring & Buy、Raffle & Bingoの純益などによって賄われています。皆様のご協力に感謝いたしますと共に、今後とも変わらぬご支援を心よりお願い申し上げます。
JAWK International, founded in 1977, started welfare activities the next year, donating to various institutions. Since the first donation, JAWK International has donated ¥138,437,707 up to 2022.The scholarship program began in 1989, and 244 women have received the award. We are proud that our recipients continue to contribute to society in and out of the country.
We have continued to support innumerous organizations and movements with our initial ideals; to further understanding amongst our international society as we contribute to local charities. As to disaster relief, we donated to the funds in the United States, Nepal and China as well as domestic funds such as those in Tohoku region and Kumamoto prefecture.
Our funds depend on the net gains of our annual Bring & Buy Bazaar and Raffle & Bingo Event, which depend enormously on the support and donations of various firms, organizations and individuals that support JAWK International activities. We stand grateful to such support that has allowed us to make our goals a reality.
奨学金 Scholarship
Application form and criteria for scholarship is forwarded to universities in the Kansai area. Inquire for details to your institution.
JAWKインターナショナル奨学金要綱 JAWK International Scholarship Guidelines
目的 Objective
JAWK International scholarship is to financially support excellent female students of universities and graduate courses, so that they may continue their studies.
受給資格 Qualifications
1. Women registered at, or starting at a 4 year University/Graduate School in the Kansai district.
2. Having good grades, respectable character, and a realistic vision.
3. Those with annual family income over ¥5,000,000 will not be eligible. Certificate of revenue (previous year) and report of family financial standing must be submitted.
審査方法 Procedures
1. 申請書類をJAWKインターナショナルの奨学金委員会に提出する。
2. 委員会は提出された書類を審査し、面接を行い最終候補を推薦する。
3. 役員会の票決を経て、受給者と支給額が決定し、受給者にはその旨通知される。
1. The completed application form is to be submitted to the JAWK International Scholarship Committee
2. The Committee reviews the documents and interviews candidates.
3. The Board of Officers votes on the recommended candidates and decides the scholarship sum. Recipients are then notified.
2022支援活動報告 2022 Welfare Report
奨学金委員会報告 Scholarship Committee Report
2022年度奨学金受給者が決まりました。厳しい書類選考と面接を経て、神戸大学法科大学院、同志社大学大学院 文学研究科英文学・英語学専攻の女子学生計2名に総額100万円の奨学金を差し上げることとなりました。この奨学金が、前途有望な若い女性の力になれることを大変嬉しく思います。
We have selected two female students as the recipients of 2022 Scholarship. The sum total of ¥1,000,000 goes to the student from each of the following universities: Kobe University Graduate School of Law, Doshisha University Graduate School of Letters English Literature and English Linguistics Course. We are very pleased that our scholarships can support these young women with bright futures.
支援活動報告 Welfare Donation
We supported following 6 organizations based in the Kansai region. The total of ¥415,000 was donated in 2022.
1.神戸市立科学技術高等学校 空飛ぶ車いす研究会
Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology “Flying Wheelchairs” Volunteer Group
“Flying Wheelchairs” is one of the school club activities held since 2004 at Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology. Its members dismantle, overhaul, and recycle old wheelchairs and donate them to people in need in Asia. Also, they visit nursing homes during their summer vacation to inspect and maintain many wheelchairs. Up to the present, they have repaired 2440 of them. They won” Noguchi Ken Award” in 2021 high school Volunteer Award among 108 groups.
[URL] http://www2.kobe-c.ed.jp/kagi-hs/
Kishiwan Heart Kitchen
It started in 2022 at Hyogo-ku, Kobe. It provides OBENTO and food supply once a month under the circumstances with COVID. It also holds festivals in summer and winter to revitalize the community.
3.Fig Tree こども食堂
Fig Tree Child Kitchen
It started in 2021 at Suma-ku, Kobe. It runs not only child kitchen, but also study support for children to help parents. It supports community building and providing safe place for children to stay.
It started in 2016 at Kita-ku, Kobe. It provides meals and study support for children, twice a week, 100 times a year with a staff of 15.
Kurutan Kitchen
It started in 2017 at Kita-ku, Kobe. It runs child kitchen to prevent children from eating alone, to supports parents and also to revitalize the community.
Blue Ribbon (Nozomi Welfare Home)
It is a Café at Satakedai, Suita. It provides working place for the handicapped. It encourages the handicapped to interact with the local community through running café and baking cookies.