Bring & Buy バザー 2015年11月27日
恒例のBring & Buyバザーが神戸ポートピアホテルで開催されました。130名の会員とゲストが寄贈品、手作りの手芸品、会員手製のお菓子、協賛者からの色々な商品などのお買い物を楽しみました。約90万円の収益は奨学金と福祉活動への寄付に使わせて頂きます。大勢の方のご協力に感謝いたします。
Bring & Buy Bazzar Friday, November 27 2015
Our Bring & Buy Bazaar was held at Kobe Portopia hotel. About 130 guests and members enjoyed shopping for donated items, handmade crafts, homemade sweets, and various goods from several vendors. The result was approximately 900,000 yen, which will be applied to scholarships and welfare activities. We are extremely grateful for donations, time and effort, from many members and friends.

秋の昼食会 2015年9月25日
Fall Luncheon Friday, September 25, 2015
We started the new term with our annual Fall Luncheon at Kobe Portopia Hotel. New members and the board were introduced, followed by a lecture by Mr. Shinzi Hataishi, the 4th generation master of Hataman Toen and successor of Imari Nabeshima porcelain. His lecture provided an understanding of the impressive history, technique and hardships of his predecessors of Nabeshima porcelain craftsmanship. The Hotel served a delicious buffet luncheon which was enjoyed in the congenial setting while members chatted on. We enjoyed shopping for beautiful pieces of Nabeshimayaki. The exciting mini raffle was lively as ever, since Hataman donated several of his exquisite pieces for prizes.

チャリティ・ラッフル&ビンゴ 2015年5月15日(金)
さる5月15日、2015年度のJAWK International ラッフルとビンゴの会が開催されました。美しく飾られた神戸ポートピアホテル偕楽の間に250名あまりの参加者が集いました。昨年度の奨学生によるスピーチに耳をかたむけ、カナディアン・アカデミー高校音楽賞受賞者による演奏を聴き、ホテル特製の散らし寿司の昼食を頂きました。その後、デルタ航空提供ホノルル往復航空券はじめさまざまな高級ホテル宿泊券、宝飾品などが賞品になったラッフルや歓声のあがるビンゴゲームに興じた楽しいひとときでした。今年も各方面のみなさまのお力添えで福祉活動基金を充実させることができたことを感謝いたします。来年度のビンゴとラッフルの会を楽しみにしたいと思います。
Charity Raffle & Bingo May 15, 2015
Over 250 people gathered for JAWK International Raffle & BINGO on May 15, 2015, in the Kairaku Room, Kobe Portopia Hotel. As we enjoyed a chirashi-zushi lunch, we listened to a scholarship recipient's speech, and performances by Canadian Academy Music Award winners. Ensuing was a lively BINGO Game and Raffle drawing where prizes such as a Delta round-trip ticket to Honolulu, hotel vouchers, pearls and other fabulous prizes were won. We were again grateful for everyone's support and contributions for our charity activities. We hope everyone will look forward to our event next year.

カルチャーイベント 2015年3月27日(金)
Culture Event March 27, 2015
Suddenly the quintette of an Utai and four musical accompaniments echoed at Kobe Portopia Hotel on March 27th. It was the season for the Doll's Festival and our special stage of Noh also featured Gonin Bayashi--- five Noh musicians just as we see on the dolls' display. Narita Tatsushi, a great performer of a small hand drum Kotsuzumi and other four prominent young musicians, each with different traditional musical instrument, gave us truly exquisite performance. Narita's introduction of Noh musical instruments interviewing the musicians was informative and attractively seasoned with a good sense of humor. The last stage was a dance "Tenko" performed by another great Noh dancer, Mikata Shizuka in a gorgeous Noh costume. We were moved by their endeavor and effort to combine modernism and tradition in order that this world's oldest theatrical art of over 400 years may continue to attract and please the audience in years to come.

新年の集い 2015年1月13日
New Year's Gathering January 13 2015
On a sunny January 23 some seventy-five people attended our New Year's Gathering. Appropriately, we celebrated with old time New Year games and traditional Japanese music. We enjoyed the dynamic collaboration and exquisite harmony of the up-and-coming young shakuhachi performer, Kawasaki Takahisa, and koto (played by Kikuso Shuho) and jushichigen (by Kikuso Reiho). The ensuing lunch was incredible and reminded us that our cuisine had been chosen as a cultural heritage. The performers joined in to play 'fukuwarai', 'bozu-mekuri' and the exciting mini-raffle, reminiscent of childhood days and New Year celebrations of old.