信楽を訪ねて 2016年10月28日
Visiting Shigaraki October 28, 2016
9 members boarded a chartered microbus in Kobe, abound to Shigaraki, for an autumn day trip. It was a fun-filled excursion, shopping, touring and enjoying lunch.

会長を囲んで 寒中に出会った「多様な美の世界」 2016年1月22日
1月22日、JAWK International 会長、Greenberg 治子様宅での「お茶の会」にお招きいただいた約30名の出席者はひととき「美の世界」に酔いしれました。ご主人の赴任先ポ-ランドで出会われた絵画、ポスタ-、キュ-バでの「爆発」と命名された壺?ロシア駐在の折フィンランドで治療中に取り組まれた織物が壁にかけられ、どれにも物語がありました。一番驚いたのはヒュ-ストン時代に始められた陶芸の作品の数々でした。テーブルには自ら作陶されたお皿・お湯呑・マグカップが並び、使い勝手が良く手に馴染みました。お玄関に置かれていたブラック ウオールナットの長椅子は日系のジョージ・中嶋氏が日本で作られた作品でした。こんな形のおもてなしを受けましたのは初めてでした。
治子様の締めくくりのご挨拶もこれからのJAWK の活動の指針になると思いました。「ご近所の留学生や外国人に日本の文化を伝えて下さい。」2016年、多くの旅行者が日本を訪れています。今、私達は身辺を見回し機会を捉えて、誇りにしている日本の伝統・文化を伝えたいと思いました。
Meeting our President January 22, 2016
Mrs. Haruko Greenberg, Honorary President of JAWK International, opened her home to 30 members for a tea party on January 22. The experience was an intoxication of art, unique and awakening. Paintings and posters purchased during her husband's stationing in Poland, an urn named "Explosion" from Cuba, tapestries that Haruko wove in Finland during their stay in Russia; each and every item had a story to tell. It was astounding to find that all the chinaware on the table, both attractive as well as comfortable, were her own creations from her Houston days. The unique black walnut bench in the entrance hall was made by Japanese-American artist, George Nakajima.
Haruko's closing comment was inspiring and perfect for JAWK activities. "Relay Japanese culture to your foreign neighbors and exchange students." 2016 has seen more tourists to Japan and I was motivated to relay the heritage and traditions that I am ever proud of.
Yoshiko Moriyama

コーラスクリスマス会 2015年12月11日
Christmas Chorus December 11, 2015
Friends and family were invited to the SING Chorus concert held at the Kobe Portopia Hotel on December 11. Chorus members had been rehearsing every month to prepare for the event. After enjoying lunch, members and guests joined in singing Christmas songs in a relaxed atmosphere.

奈良にぎり墨体験 2015年10月16日
Nara.Making Sumi ink October 16, 2015
At Kinkouen in Nara we learned about the history as well as the traditions of making sumi.
The main materials used to make sumi are pine smoke (shoen) or oil smoke (yuen), animal glue(nikawa)and fragrance.
Ninety percent of all sumi produced in Japan comes from Nara.
I could smell the fragrance of sumi floating inside the studio.
With this and the feeling of warmth and softness of the raw sumi in the palm of my hand I made the real original nigirizumi.
Chieko Kedenburg

チャリティ・クリスマスコンサート 2014年12月12日(金)
Charity Christmas Concert December 12, 2014
On December 12, 2014, we organised a charity Christmas concert at Cafe Freundlieb in Kobe. Bulgarian contralto singer, Nely Doycheva Koycheva dazzled a full house with her magical voice. The event was a festive evening of musical entertainment followed by dinner.
The musical program was a combination of traditional Bulgarian music, introducing the international audience to Bulgarian sounds and culture, as well as classic Christmas hymns and carols to usher in the holiday season. The spectacular acoustics of the former church and stained glass window behind Nely were perfect touches to complete the holiday spirit. The final song was Silent Night, sung in Japanese with the audience. The house lights were dimmed and the room was speckled with christmas coloured lights that each person swayed during the song. It was truly a fantastic night.


大阪日米協会 文化交流イベント「英語de落語&"俺のフレンチ・イタリアン"でランチ」2014年9月20日 大阪道頓堀角座
共催 JAWK International SING event November 11th: Tea lesson at Cafe Ranhotei in Kyoto
We at JAWK International were very happy to support the JASO Cultural Exchange Event. The event took place at the nice and cozy 120-seat Kado Za Theatre, where audience participation is easy. We applauded Ookagura, street performances of umbrella twirling and tea-cup stacking on chopsticks which the performer held in his mouth. The perfect balance that he showed must have taken many years of training.
The main event "Rakugo in English" was performed by Katsura Koharudanji, who has performed in 12 countries. He explained the story in a way that was understandable to those who are not familiar with Japanese culture. I also enjoyed the translations of Japanese phrases on the stage.
After the performance, we had lunch at "Ore no French/Italian" Restaurant, which is very popular and customers often must queue up to get in. It was wonderful!

11月11日 京都らん布袋での茶道レッスン

November 11th: Tea lesson at Cafe Ranhotei in Kyoto
Just as the leaves started turning color and the weather became comfortably crisp, we ventured out to Kyoto.
Before the tea lessons started, we enjoyed a scrumptious lunch filled with seasonal flavors. The dish was not just delicious but also visually stunning.
As we headed on our way to the lessons, we made a few unplanned stops at pickle and mochi shops to buy omiyage as memoirs of our afternoon trip.
We then finally arrived at Cafe Ranhotei. It was a machiya that had gotten converted into a cafe, and this was reflected in its traditional atmosphere. The instructor was Randy, a Canadian master of the way of tea certified by the Urasenke, and he taught us how to prepare Japanese tea. Although each of us did our best and thought that we made good tea, a little bit of instruction from Randy made it taste significantly better. The difference between the taste of our tea before and after his instruction was like that between instant coffee and a creamy cappuccino.
The trip proved to be a peaceful getaway for many of us, and we encourage more members to take an afternoon to enjoy the essence of Japanese culture.
4月21日 歌舞伎鑑賞会

April 21st: Kabuki Appreciation
On Sunday April 21st, my husband and I joined a SING event, the Kabuki Appreciation class at Minami-za in Kyoto. Unlike the traditional Kabuki performance, in this class we were introduced with the background & stage setting. First, five volunteers among the audiences were selected to perform a Kabuki Fashion show. It consisted of five different characters in the Kabuki from a young girl to a princess or a career woman. It was absolutely incredible to see the transformation. 0ur girls would definitely enjoy the experience!
The Kabuki performances were in two sections, performed by father and son. The first section was performed by the father as a beautiful Wisteria spirit. Even though it was a man, the artist danced more like a woman than we woman could dance! The second part of the performance was cheerfully danced by a young boy artist with lots of upbeat movements in a playful manner. It is an eye opening experience for us! The speaker made things simple and easy to understand. After the show, we were able to continue exploring the Gion District. We truly enjoyed this event and look forward to another gathering!
4月10日 枝垂桜コンサート
April 10th: Benishidare Spring Night Music Festival at the Heian Jingu Shrine
Because of the unusual climate these days, we feared that we might miss the grandeur of the beautiful weeping cherry trees in the Devine Garden of the Heian Jingu Shrine this year, as our concert was scheduled for April 20th.
On the contrary!! The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and the masterpiece landscape was lit up. Hideki Togo, dressed as a courtesan of the Heian Dynasty, played ancient music on the "Sho" a traditional woodwind instrument. The lit-up staqe over the pond, the music in the beautiful landscape took us to the fantasy world of the Heian Dynasty. What a wonderful concert it was!

3月14日 着物でコサージュ Part 2

March 14th: Hiking to Koshikiiwa Shrine
The second sewing bee for the SING meeting was held on March 14. This time the aim was to make many small flowers and bundle them up in an attractive way to make something like a hydrangea. There was more of matching and selecting materials than before to make enough of small flowers. And of course there were also more girls-talk, exchanges of ideas and good news. The hit topic this time was a unique way of selecting wine!! And it was an eye-opener!! If you wish to know, please ask those who attended. What fun it was!
3月8日 越木岩神社 ハイキング

March 8th: The Okinawan Traditional Performing Arts
On a sunny, crisp, spring day, six of us enjoyed a 20 minute walk up from Kurakuen Station to Koshikiiwa Shrine. We paid our respects at the shrine and then the grand priest led us in a private prayer ceremony where he prayed for the prosperity of JAWK International, and the health and happiness of its members. He also prayed that "May the members unite in their efforts to advance JAWK …"The "negi" or second priest gave us advice on how to introduce Shinto-ism and shrines to non-Japanese. His tour around the premises, and modern-day explanation of the "holy" boulder that has become the name-sake of the shrine, were exciting. We also went home with clay bells with a picture of camellia that the shrine is also famous for.
On returning to Kurakuen, we rewarded ourselves with a hearty Italian lunch. We parted with full stomachs and enriched hearts.
2月11日 沖縄琉球舞踊鑑賞

February 11th: The Okinawan Traditional Performing Arts
We enjoyed the Ryukyuan (Okinawa) traditional performing arts with a lecture at the National Bunraku Theater in Osaka City. The artistic and refined Ryukyuan dance, which used to be mainly performed for the Ryukyuan royal government, was extremely elegant and beyond our expectation with its quiet yet graceful music. The lyrics- classic Ryukuan language - were difficult to understand being totally different from the current Japanese language. It was a wonderful opportunity to experience the Ryukyuan history and culture. We were fascinated by the beautiful and distinctive movements of the main dancer Shigeo Miyagi.
You can see two of the performers in the photograph which was taken after the show.
11月 着物でコサージュ作り

November: corsage making
Seven ladies got together one fall afternoon for a SING workshop to create corsages out of old kimono material. Each of us picked out different pieces and worked on color combinations to see how they looked when pieced together into a corsage. Everyone tried many combinations and peeked at others' selection - it was a happy work group. It wasn't an easy job but it was fun focusing on matching colors and on our sewing techniques to come up with a prize creation. Everyone was pleased with what they had made and promised to make another when they got home. Our sewing bee turned out to be a fabulous afternoon!
10月 神戸ゴルフクラブにて
October: at Kobe Golf Club
We enjoyed golf at the Kobe Golf Club, which is the oldest golf course in Japan. The weather cooperated to let us have a great fun while playing in the lovely weather. Since they have no carts in the club, we had to walk through the courses but that made us even more lively and fit after walking up and down the mountain trails. With the amazing view of the city far down, tea time after the game at the terrace of the club house was truly fantastic. What a great day!

A Visit to Kubo-So Museum
Long in planning, a bus trip to Kubo So Museum to see its 30th anniversary exhibition was joined by 20 members. Mrs. Kubo, one of our members, welcomed us and the curators explained the artwork exhibited in the new and old buildings. A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Kubo and we visited the music auditorium where performances take place almost every weekend. It was a wonderful outing day.

Corsage Making
We saw colorful corsages displayed at JAWK SING table at our January meeting and we learned that these were made from newspapers! We had to learn how. About 20 members joined the SING event for corsage making at one of our members' home. Each of us came up with a one-and-only-in-the-world unique and colorful corsage. And what fun it was!